I Want to Travel in Time........

     Raise your hand if traveling in time a few months ahead to when COVID is over sounds like heaven?
If only.......
    Instead, I made a Steampunk gal. She is  ready to move on and into new adventures.


    Time travel with Victorian esque fashion......"squeal".  Skeletons in your closet??? (maybe a few) 
 Not only do you have some amazing tools, you can skip unwanted interactions with whomever you dislike, or even change the outcome of some unfortunate events .

    Being of the oddball variety, I love this genre. I don't mean to insult any other Oddballs out there. Your are probably completely normal if you love this genre too. I like it because it is pure fantasy mixed with Sci-Fi romanticism....I seriously almost bought a pair of vintage googles known as eye protection these days. I could don them with my COVID mask and not have a care in the world. People probably would keep their distance if they see me coming. Heck, I might even make it onto 'The People of Wal-Mart' website....My Dad would have been so proud!

    By the way, Kate has a crystal walking stick that is perfect for measuring and keeping socially distant from people with unwanted friends of the germ species. Crystals are known for their healing powers too. She also wears gloves.......Makes you think that perhaps she knew what the future would hold?


    I hope you will join me in the pursuit of goggles...it might be kind of fun to watch the normal people stare at us.

~~~Kate is available on eBay~~~

She is hopeful for the future and so am I.

I am looking through vintage, rose colored goggles!

Ebay link below:

Kate on Ebay

Be well, and stay safe and sane. Laughing helps.



  1. Hi Carrie! Kate is awesome, really love her face and hair! I have also often thought it would be nice to be able to fast forward a few months occasionally. But we’ll get there I am sure. X

  2. What a fun post! Can you see that my hand is up and I’m calling out Me, Me? Kate is lovely and I hope she finds the perfect place to live.

  3. Kate is magnificent, Carrie! I just love all the details of her costume and her face and hair are beautiful!!! The lucky winner is going to treasure her! You have been making the most of your doll studio and it's so much fun to see the unique clothing you design! You have truly found your calling!

  4. I love your steampunk doll. And I just read your bio and I have to say that I was also so excited for my daughter to be into Barbies and bought so many on ebay. And then she just wasn't. :)


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