Sweating it out....well sort of.

Blazing heat is the name of the game this year.

Usually we have have a good week of 110 degree temperatures and then is snaps back to the 105 range until the end of August. You wouldn't think 5 little degrees would mean that much, but I swear it works exponentially.  I don't even want to tell you what our recent power bill was.... I think my house might be so HOT because I have been cooking over my walk-in fireplace

The kitchen is now mostly completed

Here is the live action version, makes me sweat just looking at it!

I'll post more pictures when I find the things I squirreled away for this room.
Keep cool everyone, and use your Crockpots....much less heat in the kitchen.


  1. really love this - it's so inviting and authentic.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you for your kind comments Elizabeth, I accidentally gave you a new name in my first reply....unless you want to go by Deborah ;)

  3. Love the video, Carrie! It really captures the ambiance of this awesome fireplace!
    My mom is not too far from you in Lake Havasu, and she agrees! 108 is totally doable, but days of 118 means she's flying up to the chilly 90 degree northwest for a visit next week! Hope you find ways to keep cool and keep that power bill from stealing your mini money!!!

    1. Lake Havasu......YIKES! I'm glad she is going to visit you .
      I'm stashing money for the San Jose show, fingers crossed.


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